
To mark the centenary of Test Match cricket, Australia issued a set of six stamps on 9 March 1977. The Centenary Match between Australia and England was played on the Melbourne Cricket Ground from 12 to 17 March and was the catalyst for the holding of many official functions and events. The stamps were designed by Bruce Weatherhead of Melbourne who also designed the commemorative postmark and Post Office cover. |
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Australian Cricket Stamps by Noel Almeida, March 1991, devoted to the 1977 Test Cricket Centenary issue of 9 March 1977, listed are the cover producers and postmarks, for this issue, sixteen A4 pages, professionally printed, priced and fully illustrated, card covers, spiral binding, limited edition of 100 copies. |
$25 |
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Test & County Cricket Board London England, first day cover, C6 (114 mm x 164 mm), full set of six stamps, cancelled on the first day of issue, pictorial Test Cricket Centenary postmark 9 March 1977, Jolimont Victoria 3002. |
$35 |
77CC C01 |
St Jude’s Church of England of Bowral NSW, first day cover, Size 9 (101 mm x 229 mm), full set of six stamps, circular first day of issue postmark, Bowral NSW 2576, with insert, Bradman was a Choir Boy at the Church. |
$150 |
77CC C02 |
Wim Smits of Perth Western Australia, first day cover, Size 9 (101 mm x 229 mm), full set of six stamps, circular first day of issue postmark, Perth GPO Western Australia 6000, autographed by Ian Brayshaw Captain of the Sheffield Shield winners of 1977, limited numbered edition of 1000. |
$40 |
77CC C03 |
Cricket Local Post of Dandenong Victoria, post card, 100 mm x 150 mm, reproduction of the se-tenant trip of five with missing black colour, postage paid imprint approved by Australia Post on 11 December 1984, shows Kangaroo Batsman with bat tucked under the arm, 500 printed. |
$5 |
77CC C04 |
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